5 January 2017

Zombie Reaper 2 v1.4 Mod Apk

Most Important Tips:
★Shoot the heads
★Shoot fast
★Bullet can pass through walls
★Grenades won't hurt human, throw freely
Zombie Reaper series has been download for 6.7 millions in 2015.
And now Zombie Reaper 2.0 is available for download!
Game Play 2.0
☢ Add "kill zombies on highway" mode where you can drive your military hummer to kill zombies on highway!
☢ Add "killing for saving" mode where you need to save our people with your killing machine!
☢ Add "air support" mode where you can save our people with the "sniper mode" on the zombies' head!
Graphic/Sound 2.0
☢ Next gen graphic, stunning environment!
☢ High resolution 3D guns models and textures!
☢ Each gun reflects its real performance in real life, include the sound!
Game control
(FPS mode)

Left 2/3 screen is for aiming, right for shoot
Shoot the head of them
Kill them faster
Then you can get high score
(Drive mode)

TILT the device left and right to smash the zombies
TAP on four corners of the screen to shoot the Zombies
(Life Saving mode)

Grenade was designed not to hurt human, you can use it where you want
Bullet can pass through walls, you can kill zombies without seeing them:)

Requirements: 2.3 and up

Google Play Store



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