Welcome to Call recorder OfficePhone Pro, this app is one of the best applications for call recording available on Google Play.
Record the call automatically or manually.
Record any call. Listen to the recording, add notes and share it. Integration with DropBox allows calls to be saved and also synchronized in the cloud.
Make a phone call or send text messages directly from the application.
Use filter by date or name / number on the answering machine.
Start recording the phone call at any time, automatically or manually. Use the filter system call recorder to find the recorded call more quickly.
The call recorder app uses several methods to record phone calls, please try them to see which is the best option for your mobile phone.
• Call Recording quality MP3 (Pro)
• Store the call recordings on the memory card
• Backing up your recordings on DropBox
• Store the call recordings on the memory card
• Backing up your recordings on DropBox
What’s New
– Enable\Disable persistent notification setting added.
– Improved stability of Media recording method.
– Enable\Disable persistent notification setting added.
– Improved stability of Media recording method.