19 July 2016

MemoryInfo & Swapfile Check 2.19 Apk

The purpose of this program is to test whether your device (Kernel!) is compatible with ROEHSOFT RAMEXPANDER, they can use it as storage use information program continues if the strike should check compatibility for your device fails.This is not the Memory Manager. This is the Sysinfo Tool with Builtin Kernel Check Function.
Unfortunately, some Android devices are not in spite of root privileges in a position to deal with a swapfile, some manufacturers have this disabled kernel side. To find out if your device is compatible with RAMEXPANDER the program requires root privileges, according the Test button gets her device a large set 100Mb swap file is available, then you have to check in 5 minutes to see whether your device is unstable as the Some phones may be the case, unfortunately, the reason lies in the modules that were compiled without swap support from the manufacturer. Test extensively start their programs, after 5 minutes you get successful returns a message on the screen and can optionally install directly SWAPit Ram Expander, which they can then create up to 2.5 GB of RAM.


2.16 Fixed Samsung and Nexus hwlib BUG
2.13 Carbon Design, All Infos now Seleactable, horizontl scrollable and possibility for copy for all infos.
2.11 NEW: Mountinfos via Menu.Also you can copy the Infos as sample for later sending via email.
New! Fullautomatic Deep Scan for old Swapfiles
2.06 ANR Fixed now, Thanks for Submissions!
2.02 Now we have a new Design!
2.0 CPUABI Display added
1.95 Android 4+ you can now select /data folder for creating the swapfile

Requirements: 2.0 and up

Google Play Store

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